Stop Global Whining

When all is said and done in Carbon-hagen

16th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Wednesday December 16th, “Reclaim Power” day in Copenhagen, inside the Africans are shouting at the Ethiopians and outside the Climate Justice advocates are shouting at the COP who they accuse of being co-opted by corporate lobbyists. To a lobbyist climate […]

Stop Global Warming

Callout from Copenhagen

8th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Hello from Denmark, Decided to come freeze my little tush off in Copenhagen for eleven days for global warming (COP-15, look it up). Sounds like fun? Well, sort of! Anyway I’m writing articles for a few people here and I […]

Americas Program Special Report Tony Phillips

Climate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas Perspective

20th December 2007 Tony Phillips 0

Americas Program Special ReportClimate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas PerspectiveTony Phillips | December 20, 2007 Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP)(formerly) “We, the human race, have substantially altered the earth’s atmosphere. In 2005, the concentration of carbon […]


Energy; Southern Cone

14th March 2005 Tony Phillips 2

Here in the cone of South America as in many parts of the world, one of the major issues is energy. What with the Andes and all, there are plenty of hydroelectric plants and underground thermal energy but the tricky […]