Los perros (el perro duplicado cuatro veces) de Javi

El Ministerio de Capital Humano de Milei

17th December 2023 Tony Phillips 2

No busques nada más. El singular modelo anarco-capitalista libertario de Javi no permite lujos como son la religión, el arte o incluso el tiempo libre. Olvídate de la mitigación del cambio climático, de salvar la biodiversidad o incluso de los parques nacionales. Hay que ser realistas. Milei lo dijo de forma muy sencilla en su discurso desde el palacio presidencial: “¡No hay plata!”

Milei Chronicles (10) Debate One (The Economy)

3rd October 2023 Tony Phillips 0

the UxP was equally inadept at dealing with the debt problems for reasons of stimulating employment and paying off state friendly industries with high energy requirements and deep pockets in Swiss bank accounts but at least their leaders had not appeared in the Panama Papers as had Bullrich’s party group founder Mauricito Macri. The sesspool of corruption runs deep in both groups.


Energy; Southern Cone

14th March 2005 Tony Phillips 2

Here in the cone of South America as in many parts of the world, one of the major issues is energy. What with the Andes and all, there are plenty of hydroelectric plants and underground thermal energy but the tricky […]