jair Javi and the ultra rightwing phase ( the day after)

Bolsonaro and Milei 2045

21st November 2023 Tony Phillips 0

On the 10th. of December way back in 2023 Bolsonaro was already part way to the retirement home. He had absconded from Brazil to the hick US state of Florida but even facing charges he still managed to make it (with his son) to Milei’s inauguration party.

Pinochet y los amiguitos de Villarruel

Crónicas de Milei (Punto Final) Pinochet

18th November 2023 Tony Phillips 0

Noviembre 16, 2023: IP Noticias (del Canal Nueve en la Argentina) estuvieron en las calles de Buenos Aires. Quedó menos que una semana hasta el balotaje de las elecciones presidenciales, 2023. Una periodista paró a “una familia Chilena” preguntándoles a […]