Think-Tanks & The Argentine New Right

23rd February 2024 Tony Phillips 3

Offer a few fervent believers teaching jobs in your private economics faculty or have a few influential people speak to newspaper editors to introduce “experts” from your own think-tanks to maybe write an Op-Ed for the upcoming elections [then republish] via social media campaigns, pushed by your own paid algorithms […] think-tank ideas might influence the vote for candidates who align with your think-tank’s ideas? Social media works for the masses influencing opinion but you need to teach/evangelize the economics students

Casta II

Milei Chronicles (14): Hope Fights Hate

31st October 2023 Tony Phillips 0

After the three decades of pain Milei offers a new free economy smelling of roses much like Milei’s armpits in the hot-tub post-election champagne-fuelled celebrations with Macri, his sister, Bullrich and the three cloned dogs. If in November the troll-farms can pull this off post by post sneer by sneer Milei shall be following in the footsteps of Menem for President 1989 however his neofascist vice president Villarruel might feel more like the 1970’s dictatorship guns and all!

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (2) Bipolar Political Divide

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 1

Since the 1943 Argentine coup d’État, and Perón’s resulting presidential investiture in 1945, Juan Domingo Perón’s legacy has been a grand divide in Argentine politics between believers in his personality cult (Peronists) ⏤followers of his very flexible, somewhat nationalist, policies⏤ and the rest who hate him with a passion.

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (3) Policy Choices? Not Really!

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 1

In Milei’s bully-speak ‘casta’ refers to the actual political groupings (UP and PRO). He thus shields the real Argentine casta who pay the bribes and provide the financial backing for both. La Libertad Avanza are engendering Argentine Tea-Party fans. Milei is their anti-Perón.

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (4) Casta (Castellano)

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 0

En la jerga de Milei, ‘casta’ se refiere a las agrupaciones políticas (ambos UxP y JxC) que él afirma, con cierta evidencia, son incompetentes, decadentes, corruptas y fracasan en su tarea de representar a la mayoría del pueblo argentino. Esconde […]

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (4) “Casta”

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 3

Milei misuses the word casta to refer to politicians in both UxP and the JxC. In Milei’s bullying language he claims that the current Argentine political casta are incompetent, decadent, corrupt and have failed in their tasks of representing the […]

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (5) Anger and the Economy

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 0

Milei’s voters just don’t care! They want change and he offers it. He channels their anger. They’re sick of being ignored and ready to break Argentina if they must do. Things can’t get much worse, they say. Are they right?