G-20: Round Two

19th April 2009 Tony Phillips 0

Americas Program Special Report G-20: Round Two Tony Phillips | April 19, 2009 Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP) americas.irc-online.org Brazil’s Lula da Silva and China’s Hu Jintao met in London at the G-20 summit. Photo: Xinhua/Lan Hongguang. In […]

Letter to the Irish Times

10th April 2009 Tony Phillips 2

Madam, As a non-resident Irish citizen living in Argentina it is rare that I voice an opinion on the Irish economy. While economic policy affects my family in Dublin directly, it has little effect on me personally. However, as an […]

Privatising Profits, Socialising Losses

31st December 2008 Tony Phillips 1

The rapid fallout from less than a decade of financial speculation has been mind-boggling. Barely legal, the unregulated bubble in “credit derivatives”2 grew from $1 trillion in 2003 to $15 trillion in 20073 to finally burst, leaving the global financial system on life support in the public ward.

Americas Program Special Report Tony Phillips

Climate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas Perspective

20th December 2007 Tony Phillips 0

Americas Program Special ReportClimate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas PerspectiveTony Phillips | December 20, 2007 Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP)(formerly) americas.irc-online.org “We, the human race, have substantially altered the earth’s atmosphere. In 2005, the concentration of carbon […]

Borda: A day with the Crazies

30th November 2007 Tony Phillips 0

One Saturday I had the pleasure of being invited to partake in an extraordinary visit. I took some maté and bought cigarettes for the first time in four years. The maté was to help me get over the ill effects […]

Vicious Cycle of Debt

19th March 2007 Tony Phillips 1

In the Americas the conquests have yet to finish and the discovery has yet to begin. Luis Felipe Noe, Argentina Ever wondered why a curious group of economists got together in a small town in New Hampshire at the end […]