Greece; Deathplace of Democracy

29th June 2015 Tony Phillips 0

 The word Referendum comes from the Latin referre (to bring back) and demos is Greek for the people as a political unit; demos is the root of the word Democracy; so a referendum brings a decision back to the people. […]

2012 book / What if Ireland Defaults

2nd May 2013 Tony Phillips 0

Country StudiesCh. 7. The Russian Crisis and the Crisis of RussiaConstantin GurdgievCh. 8. Iceland: The Accidental HeroElaine Byrne and Huginn F. ?orsteinssonCh. 9. Irish Public Debt: A View through the Lens of the Argentine DefaultTony PhillipsCh. 10. Coring out the […]

Publication in

2nd May 2013 Tony Phillips 0

Column: Ireland has no option but to play hardball. So why aren?t we? (click on the link above to see full article) [excerpted from] Terrible task A small nation taking action against such powerful interests faces a terrible task. […]

A Call to Action

19th June 2012 Tony Phillips 0

Medium-sized EU economies (Spain and Italy) are facing an attack from the speculative bond markets. This has pushed the cost of state bonds above 4%, a rate that is unsustainable in the medium term. Acting Prime Minister Monti demanded help […]

Stop Global Whining

When all is said and done in Carbon-hagen

16th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Wednesday December 16th, “Reclaim Power” day in Copenhagen, inside the Africans are shouting at the Ethiopians and outside the Climate Justice advocates are shouting at the COP who they accuse of being co-opted by corporate lobbyists. To a lobbyist climate […]