Review: The Lives of Eliza Lynch, Scandal and Courage,

1st March 2010 Tony Phillips 0

I was invited to São Paulo by the Author, former Irish ambassador to the United Nations Michael Lillis, to attend the book launch of the Brazilian Portuguese version of their book. It was refreshing to see that even in the twenty-first century, this shadowy heroine is still capable of eliciting a fiery debate.

Stop Global Whining

When all is said and done in Carbon-hagen

16th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Wednesday December 16th, “Reclaim Power” day in Copenhagen, inside the Africans are shouting at the Ethiopians and outside the Climate Justice advocates are shouting at the COP who they accuse of being co-opted by corporate lobbyists. To a lobbyist climate […]

Stop Global Warming

Callout from Copenhagen

8th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Hello from Denmark, Decided to come freeze my little tush off in Copenhagen for eleven days for global warming (COP-15, look it up). Sounds like fun? Well, sort of! Anyway I’m writing articles for a few people here and I […]