Cumbre Paraguay

Asunción Anillo Energético

20th June 2006 Tony Phillips 0

The 28th Mercosur meeting (Mercado Común del Sur) took place in the Paraguayan capital of Asunción, June 20th. Various accords were signed including Latin America’s first poverty eradication and common structural funds agreements. The smiling presidents were also photographed happily […]

Sink WTO Walden Bello

WTO Hong Kong Video

2nd May 2006 Tony Phillips 0

Click on image above to see Walden Bello’s educational and informative piece on the terms of the WTO deal currently on offer. The images on the music video come from the WTO meeting and protests in Hong Kong. I encoded […]

Water Wars Bolivia Argentina

Oil and water in Argentina and Bolivia

21st April 2006 Tony Phillips 0

In Latin America, oil and water don?t mix. Or do they?
Latin American neighbors, Argentina and Bolivia have recently undertaken a re-nationalizing of their natural resources each their own way and for different reasons. This article compares the public-private struggles for oil and water resources in Argentina and in Bolivia.

British Gas in Bolivia

The Economics of Trust

4th June 2005 Tony Phillips 0

Trust seems like an old fashioned word these days but when it comes to government and economy a working level of trust is essential. Not everyone can be an economist or the overseer of operations on an international gas pipeline. […]

May Day Arrival, Buenos Aires

1st May 2005 Tony Phillips 4

Clare and I arrived at the Gran Hotel Hispano, Avenida de Mayo, Argentina, just up the street from the plaza of the same name. It was curiously appropriate that we should arrive on this socialist celebration. It has been a […]


Energy; Southern Cone

14th March 2005 Tony Phillips 2

Here in the cone of South America as in many parts of the world, one of the major issues is energy. What with the Andes and all, there are plenty of hydroelectric plants and underground thermal energy but the tricky […]

Billy Hayes

A question of Royalties

3rd March 2005 Tony Phillips 0

By Latin American standards, Chile is an industrialized nation par excellence. Their exports are on a par with Venezuela’s, ranking a close third to Brazil and Argentina. But, when it comes to the primary industries, like the huge mining industry, […]

Hug Chavez

Venezuela, Rogue State?

14th February 2005 Tony Phillips 1

“Well at least we’re not a rogue state! [like you know who!]”. The Buenos Aires Times was trying to feel better about themselves, comparing Argentina favorably to its raunchy new Mercosur partner, Venezuela. Hugo Chavez was back in Buenos Aires […]