September 11th

11th September 2003 Tony Phillips 0

I spent the evening of September 11th. at La Peña in Berkeley California. September 11th. 1973 was the date of the US backed coup which general Pinochet’s troops killed Chile’s elected president Salvador Allende in the national parliament building. Many […]


Iraqi cell coverage; a farce in four parts

4th September 2003 Tony Phillips 1

Tenders for Iraqi mobile phone services are “… potentially among the most lucrative contracts to be offered in post war Iraq.” A special clause is added to the tender banning bids from companies with govt. ownership in excess of 10%. […]

Car of the Americas

15 Days of hell

28th August 2003 Tony Phillips 1

Having bought my very inexpensive car ($650.00) I took it on a test run and to the automobile association for a 50 point check-up. The car swayed a lot on the freeway, the engine was strong, the clutch seemed to […]

(c) SF-Citizen

The Money Game

1st August 2003 Tony Phillips 1

So I sell the cruiser for $6,500 and then buy the Montero for $600 from the city tow auctions here in San Francisco. So I’m up nearly six grand right? Well no not really … Then … – back registration […]

City Car

City Car, Car of the Americas

21st July 2003 Tony Phillips 1

Short-term Pain As a firm believer in form before function, sometimes, just sometimes it becomes necessary to take account of function and price. After six years driving the beautiful 1964 convertible Mercury Comet, I decided to free up some cash […]

Greg Palast

Greg Palast and balanced coverage on Chavez

30th June 2003 Tony Phillips 0

Last June, on Page One of the San Francisco Chronicle, an Associated Press photo of a mass of demonstrators carried the following caption: “TENS OF THOUSANDS OF VENEZUELANS OPPOSED TO PRESIDENT HUGO CHAVEZ…” The caption let us know this South […]

Chomsky on US Intentions in Venezuela

9th June 2003 Tony Phillips 0

ANDY CLARK: Question OK, another email. This is from Venezuela. This is from Alberto Villasmil Raven, and he says: “I would like to know if Professor Chomsky thinks it possible that the U.S. will invade Venezuela.” NOAM CHOMSKY: Answer Well, […]

The Vehicle

5th June 2003 Tony Phillips 0

Problems to be dealt with are: heat, 19,000′ Andean passes, water, off-road capabilities, MPG/KPL, diesel preference, carnet de passage and getting rid of the vehicle after a one-way leg. Oh and there is the Darien Gap. If you have experience with this kind of choice do advise I need help here. (PS Both Carnet de Passage & Darien were red herrings, the first unnecessary the second impossible)