DCs in Ireland and the energy crisis they provoke

Data centres, Big Data & Ireland’s Energy Crisis

21st September 2021 Tony Phillips 1

To plan Ireland’s energy future requires social and ecological planning (something Ireland is really not good at) indeed a previous Taoiseach described us as the laggards of Europe in this matter. Ireland is addicted to fossil fuels; this need to change and we need to do it.

Corona Gambit, the MiddleGame

23rd December 2020 Tony Phillips 0

Sacrificing truckdrivers, consumers, and its “fucked” manufacturers as pawns, the recently inaugurated tory UK negotiators also risk sacrificing some of its own royalty, its investors. The brinkmanship of this endgame is causing much suffering even as the UK plans to resort to a some last minute retreats

COVID Trolls

16th September 2020 Tony Phillips 0

Context Some “Friend” who I do not even know, shares a FaceBook rant on Individual Freedom and COVID. “So what?” you say. Why did I see this post from a stranger and not a cat video from a friend I […]

The Bolivian Coup; Evo in Buenos Aires

12th June 2020 Tony Phillips 0

December 17, 2019 President Evo Morales — who is technically still president of Bolivia — gave a press conference in Buenos Aires at the CCC (Cultural and Cooperative Centre) at 10:00 AM local time, December 17th. President Morales was forced […]

The Wards are Filling Up

22nd May 2020 Tony Phillips 0

By Marcus Christoph It began with a rather bizarre situation. Carlota Salomon, 26 years a doctor at the “José María Penna” hospital, Parque Patricios, Buenos Aires, had put on her elaborate protective clothing and approached her first coronavirus patient to […]