Americas Program Special Report Tony Phillips

Climate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas Perspective

20th December 2007 Tony Phillips 0

Americas Program Special ReportClimate Change Cause and Effect, An Americas PerspectiveTony Phillips | December 20, 2007 Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP)(formerly) “We, the human race, have substantially altered the earth’s atmosphere. In 2005, the concentration of carbon […]

Water Wars Bolivia Argentina

Oil and water in Argentina and Bolivia

21st April 2006 Tony Phillips 0

In Latin America, oil and water don?t mix. Or do they?
Latin American neighbors, Argentina and Bolivia have recently undertaken a re-nationalizing of their natural resources each their own way and for different reasons. This article compares the public-private struggles for oil and water resources in Argentina and in Bolivia.

British Gas in Bolivia

The Economics of Trust

4th June 2005 Tony Phillips 0

Trust seems like an old fashioned word these days but when it comes to government and economy a working level of trust is essential. Not everyone can be an economist or the overseer of operations on an international gas pipeline. […]