This is not the T-Shirt

Milei 2025

31st December 2024 Tony Phillips 0

La privatización de 2025 será rápida pero no transparente. Toda transacción privada es una buena transacción. Si el mundo está observando el anarcocapitalismo de Milei, deberían darse cuenta de que este sistema es todo lo contrario del anarquismo. Bakunin y Proudhon se revolverían en sus tumbas. Para el Libertarianismo la propiedad no es un robo, tanto la propiedad como los mercados en los que habita son Dioses.

This is not the T-Shirt

Javier Milei 2025

31st December 2024 Tony Phillips 0

f the world is watching Milei’s anarchocapitalism they should realise that this system is quite the opposite of Anarchism. Bakunin and Proudhon would be turning in their graves. For Libertarianism property is not theft, property and the markets are Gods. Menem and the chaos of the 1980’s are back in Argentina with a vengeance

El reto de salvar el futuro de la ONU, vista Latina

25th September 2024 Tony Phillips 0

Presidente Petro llegó a la conclusión de que es hora de que las personas libren una batalla para resolver los problemas de la humanidad, de modo que podamos unirnos. Revivamos ese pensamiento mágico que nos ha permitido sobrevivir mediante una revolución global. Si la vida logra triunfar sobre su propia extinción ya no será la oligarquía global la que gobierne el mundo, será derrotada para permitir una verdadera democracia de base.

El apuesta a la muerte

Burning South America

10th September 2024 Tony Phillips 1

What is it going to take before we realize that this socioeconomic system is the gateway to hell? How long will we allow ridiculous industries bring disaster and ruin to what is left of this once beautiful subcontinent of America? […]


Closing Down the State

30th March 2024 Tony Phillips 0

Javier Milei has taken Argentina into uncharted waters, a schizophrenic journey in societal destruction. The last time Argentina tried anything so radical Carlos Saúl Menem was the hero of the IMF (in late 1980’s and early 1990’s). The Menemite experiment in extreme neoliberalism ended in abject disaster in 2001/2002.

Reconstruction Pact, Anybody?

2nd March 2024 Tony Phillips 2

On February 12th in Italy Javi said he admitted “feeling a profound contempt for the state” which he described as a “Mafia”. One can only speculate how his partners in crime Caputo and Macri feel personally about Javi’s Italian terminology. Liberalism cannot contemplate state policy for social, cultural (except in the negative sense of cultural Marxism), or environment because these non-monetary concepts don’t have a value which can be counted in dollars.

Milei la Topadora y la Huelga Nacional

23rd January 2024 Tony Phillips 0

Paro General: Las políticas ultraliberales de Milei están diseñadas para beneficiar a los buenos en la sociedad que él llama “la gente de bien”, pero el coste lo asumen otros grupos y esto ha sido aplastante para los pobres.

Milei the Bulldozer and a National Strike

23rd January 2024 Tony Phillips 0

The way Milei recognises these “better” conditions means that the costs of adjustment are being borne not by his famous (caste) but by the working classes in Argentina, especially those employees that are considered by Milei to be “collectivists” i.e. they think that they might have a better chance of being paid better with better conditions if they organize as a union