Stop Global Whining

When all is said and done in Carbon-hagen

16th December 2009 Tony Phillips 1

Wednesday December 16th, “Reclaim Power” day in Copenhagen, inside the Africans are shouting at the Ethiopians and outside the Climate Justice advocates are shouting at the COP who they accuse of being co-opted by corporate lobbyists. To a lobbyist climate […]

Sink WTO Walden Bello

WTO Hong Kong Video

2nd May 2006 Tony Phillips 0

Click on image above to see Walden Bello’s educational and informative piece on the terms of the WTO deal currently on offer. The images on the music video come from the WTO meeting and protests in Hong Kong. I encoded […]

Water Wars Bolivia Argentina

Oil and water in Argentina and Bolivia

21st April 2006 Tony Phillips 0

In Latin America, oil and water don?t mix. Or do they?
Latin American neighbors, Argentina and Bolivia have recently undertaken a re-nationalizing of their natural resources each their own way and for different reasons. This article compares the public-private struggles for oil and water resources in Argentina and in Bolivia.

Flying Fish & Chips

29th June 2004 Tony Phillips 1

The islands of Trinidad & Tobago (T&T) form a small republic just off the Venezuelan Coast at the bottom of the Lesser Antilles, an Island Archipelago arcing north-south through the Caribbean from just below Cuba in the north to the […]

Car Panama Canal

Trouble in Panama

27th May 2004 Tony Phillips 0

Yesterday I drove from Panama City to Colon, crossing this narrow country in an hour and ten minutes driving parallel to the Panama Canal. My vehicle was never to return, I had my problems getting back too. All shiny and […]

Six Months and All is Well!

30th December 2003 Tony Phillips 0

Was it really just six months ago? The code was yellow in San Francisco and the weather unseasonably hot. A week before the fourth of July celebrations San Francisco was un-girthing its loins for Gay Pride weekend. The main man […]

Economics, the great conversion

19th October 2003 Tony Phillips 0

Having read Jim Stanford’s tongue in cheek twelve step piece: Confessions of a Recovering Economist one might like to feel that there is hope in American economic journalism but it is difficult not to remain in denial. Publications such as […]


Iraqi cell coverage; a farce in four parts

4th September 2003 Tony Phillips 1

Tenders for Iraqi mobile phone services are “… potentially among the most lucrative contracts to be offered in post war Iraq.” A special clause is added to the tender banning bids from companies with govt. ownership in excess of 10%. […]