Inflation Panic, Beware The Ides of March
Monetarism had its own way of persuading the poor that extreme austerity will come good in the end. It doesn’t seem to be working out that way.
Monetarism had its own way of persuading the poor that extreme austerity will come good in the end. It doesn’t seem to be working out that way.
The way Milei recognises these “better” conditions means that the costs of adjustment are being borne not by his famous (caste) but by the working classes in Argentina, especially those employees that are considered by Milei to be “collectivists” i.e. they think that they might have a better chance of being paid better with better conditions if they organize as a union
Las elecciones presidenciales de 2023 demostraron que los argentinos están desesperadamente cansados de los fracasos económicos y la corrupción. Estaban dispuestos a darle una oportunidad a Javi (o a cualquiera nuevo). Aunque muchos ahora se arrepienten, la mayoría de los votantes todavía se resisten a admitir que al votar contra el peronismo pueden haber cometido un error muy grave.
Listen to me but only to me says Javi! My Austrian religion is the one true religion, all other religions are evil. The devil is a socialist. The one true light is our God, the market. Greed is good. God loves a market, a market Nirvana. Nobody comes to Nirvana but through Me! Me! Me! Carajo!
While still on the election trail Javi had been asked by a journalist how he could effect change, since as a President alone, with his tiny party, the LLA, which has only one state senator and very few deputies in the House of Representatives? How could he Javier Milei pass laws? His answer sounded somewhat dictatorial. I will rule by presidential decree!
Prólogo: El 10 de diciembre de 2023 Bolsonaro ya estuvo de camino a la residencia de ancianos. Se había fugado de Brasil al pueblerino estado norteamericano de Florida, pero incluso enfrentando cargos se las arregló para llegar (con su hijo) a la fiesta de inauguración de Milei.
Presidential Candidate Javier Milei
and his non-theories on Ecology
Fiel a su retórica de populista de derechas, Milei no tiene ningún interés en el medio ambiente. Par Milei tanto el cambio climático, como el Papa Francisco, son parte de un
“complot comunista”.
La bestialidad de las politica del Presidente que quiere destruir su propia estado
Si gana Milei también puede ser mucho peor. Puede que Milei odie al Estado corrupto y mal-administrado (que lo es) pero a la gente les gusta educación gratuita y laica y poder llamar a una ambulancia cuando sea necesaria.
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