A protest election in Argentina.

Milei Chronicles (13): Election 22nd. October, 2023

19th October 2023 Tony Phillips 0

What the 2024 election means for Argentina in the next ten years is that the tweedle-dum tweedle-dee / Peronist anti-Peronist centre is dead. It died of it’s own corruption and ineptitude destroying the environment and the people’s economy with it. The brand-name politics of the last 20 years will receive less support from the real owners of the country (Argentina’s true Casta) and politics shall swing hard left and hard right in the streets for the next elections till 2030.

Milei Chronicles (10) Primer Debate En Santiago La Economía

3rd October 2023 Tony Phillips 0

El primero fue Sergio Massa, de la UxP, que llegó elegantemente vestido. ¿Será el mismo traje azul que usa para sus reuniones con el FMI? Massa se deslizó hacia un discurso doctrinal, tal vez demasiado Perón Perón para el gusto de la mayoría. Inquebrantable, Massa ofreció una actuación razonable para alguien cuya personalidad es intrínsecamente aburrida. Hay que imaginarse que algunos miembros del público reprimieron una mueca cuando Massa sugirió que los evasores fiscales fueran a la cárcel, mientras que su colega del partido, Martín Insuarralde, aparecía en fotos tomando cócteles en un yate mediterráneo con una ‘modelo’ tatuada.

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (2) Bipolar Political Divide

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 1

Since the 1943 Argentine coup d’État, and Perón’s resulting presidential investiture in 1945, Juan Domingo Perón’s legacy has been a grand divide in Argentine politics between believers in his personality cult (Peronists) ⏤followers of his very flexible, somewhat nationalist, policies⏤ and the rest who hate him with a passion.

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (3) Policy Choices? Not Really!

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 1

In Milei’s bully-speak ‘casta’ refers to the actual political groupings (UP and PRO). He thus shields the real Argentine casta who pay the bribes and provide the financial backing for both. La Libertad Avanza are engendering Argentine Tea-Party fans. Milei is their anti-Perón.

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (4) Casta (Castellano)

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 0

En la jerga de Milei, ‘casta’ se refiere a las agrupaciones políticas (ambos UxP y JxC) que él afirma, con cierta evidencia, son incompetentes, decadentes, corruptas y fracasan en su tarea de representar a la mayoría del pueblo argentino. Esconde […]

Javier Milei Milei Chronicles

Milei Chronicles (4) “Casta”

28th August 2023 Tony Phillips 3

Milei misuses the word casta to refer to politicians in both UxP and the JxC. In Milei’s bullying language he claims that the current Argentine political casta are incompetent, decadent, corrupt and have failed in their tasks of representing the […]